Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 ways to keep your kids having fun during the day!

Some days, you wonder what to do....bored kids, frazzled Mommy, and of course, on top of it all, you can't think of anything fun to take yours and your kids minds off of everything else that's going on in the world. What to do? Take the ideas in this list and use them to help turn that boring rainy day into one that's worth remembering! Not just activities - but things to make everyday activities more fun!

1. Brushing teeth - can be fun!
Little kids always seem to see brushing teeth as something that is much more of a chore rather than something fun to do. Actually - don't we all? The difference is, is that we get used to it and figure out it truly is good for our teeth, as we get older. So, how to make this boring "chore" more fun for your kids? First, using the tablets that you chew first and they leave a little stain our your kids teeth to know where they've brushed, have your kids sing a song while they're brushing their teeth, see who can sing the longest and beware - your bathroom mirror and counter will need a cleaning after wards!

2. Raking leaves - Building arm muscles isn't always so bad
Its fall, and gorgeous golden leaves are everywhere. Including in your lawn! To make raking leaves more fun, before bagging them, jump in the piles! Your kids will love it, plus, its a great time to get adorable photos!

3. Setting the table
While having your kids set the table for lunch, have them think of meals to make for the menu.

4. Preparing the food
A great way to get your kids more involved is to teach them how to cook. Have them pretend that they are Chefs, to make it even more fun, let them wear a chef hat and apron!

5. Bringing dirty laundry downstairs
To make bringing dirty laundry downstairs more fun, well, that's a hard one, but it can be exciting to your kids if you make a game out of it - pretend your are maids at a fancy hotel!

6. Putting away clean laundry
Don't let that pile of clean laundry sit on your kiddos bedroom forever! Instead, encourage them to put it away themselves, by making it fun for them! Let them organize their drawers how they would like them - maybe their prefrences are by colors, or tshirts seperated from tank tops. There are so many different ways, let them switch it up to make it even more exciting!

7. Car rides
Those dreadful car rides - to the grocery store - to the library, so many different places! To make the trip a little less dreadful, bring coloring books and crayons along to keep the kiddos entertained along the way!

8. Short trips
Instead of driving, your kids, and yourself, will have much more fun biking or walking! It's always good to get fresh air as well!

9. Cleaning the bedroom
One chore that seems almost impossible to make fun! One way to make it more appealing to your kids, is to have them take their own before pictures of their rooms while they're dirty, and challenge them to clean it up as fast as possible and take an after picture. Have them compare the two pictures - they will feel proud of what they did!

10. Going to bed.
A common reason that many kids don't go to bed right away is because they are afraid of monsters in the closet - or under the bed! To banish they're fears and to get a few giggles out, fill a bottle up with water and label it "monster spray" and have them spray it wherever they think the monsters are. Peaceful dreams!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and The Hub blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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