Siren Song Dress - Etsy Seller Claire La FayeYou've spent days developing your product. You have your Etsy or BigCartel shop all set up and ready to go. You're addicted to checking your email to see if you have any orders...1 day...2 days....3 days turn into 4, and you still don't have any orders? Here are some tips to help you learn how to use social media in a way that will help build your sales!
1) Develop a readership. Whether its through your blog, Twitter, Facebook, or all (the most effective) you will want to develop a loyal readership. Make sure that every time you post something, or update a status, it is the highest quality as possible. The goal is for your following to learn to trust you, and if they trust you, they will be more interested in purchasing from you!
2) Find others that share the same interests as you. Read a lot of blogs, especially ones that relate to the products that you are selling. Comment (high quality, meaningful posts of course! You already knew that though,right? ;)) on these blogs frequently and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
3) Use Twitter and Facebook effectively. Talk to others, ask how their day went, if they are enjoying the snow, or comment on a tweet or message they sent out. You will seem more "human" and soon you will develop a following back!
4) Don't be spammy! On Twitter, if you send out a tweet about a new blog post or item you put in your shop, only tweet it once, not 10 times, and if you do start tweeting 10 times a day, don't be surprised when your 300 followers drop down to 3!
Do you have any more social media advice that you've been successful with to help you sell your products?